This program aims to provide social science teacher candidates who will work in primary schools with the knowledge and skills related to their fields and the teaching profession.
Graduates of Social Sciences Education can work as social science teachers in primary schools. They are also entitled to receive a Social Sciences Education Department Degree and a teaching certificate.
Opportunities Provided By The Program
Students in the program can pursue a double major with the Department of Primary Education.
The Department also offers a minor program in Social Sciences Education to Sakarya University students. There are ERASMUS agreements with Spain, Poland and Romania, and MEVLANA foreign exchange agreements with Morocco and Kazakhstan. The department also has agreements with various universities in Turkey as part of the FARABI program.
Academic Staff
2 Professors, 3 Associate Professors,1 Asistant Professor 2 Research Assistants.
Quota: 40
Period of Study: 4 Years
Score Type: Verbal